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GetMail 4.0 32x32 pixels icon GetMail 4.0
Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0 32x32 pixels icon Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0
AthTek Skype Recorder 7.3 32x32 pixels icon AthTek Skype Recorder 7.3
Do you want to read webmail only mail systems such as Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail, AOL, Yahoo on your mobile device such as a Blackberry. GetMail will help by forwarding your email to a standard POP3 account that most mobile devices support.
History, Favorites, Cache and Cookies Manager for Microsoft Internet Explorer, with options to sort, group, search, print and export. It allows to selectively erase items from your history--no need to erase your entire history.
AthTek Skype Recorder enables user to record Skype calls automatically in high quality. It also has many other advanced features which make it to be an ideal application for Skype. It supports to work on Windows 8(8.1)/7/Vista/XP.
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Opera Mini for Android 10.0.1884.93721 32x32 pixels icon Opera Mini for Android 10.0.1884.93721
Opera Mini for Android is an alternative web browser to using Firefox or Chrome on Android. The browser is designed to have a minimal interface, small footprint and fast page loading. It boasts one of the fastest page loading speeds.
Freeware, Updated 20 August 2015, Reviewed 29 April 2015
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2.80 MB
Yahoo! Messenger for Android 1.8.3 32x32 pixels icon Yahoo! Messenger for Android 1.8.3
Experience the faster, smarter, richer Yahoo! Messenger - made for your Android. The official Yahoo! Messenger app for Android include features like: free Voice & Video calls (Beta), chat with Facebook friends, free international SMS, share Photos & Video
Freeware, Updated 26 October 2012
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2.00 MB
Facebook for Android Version varies with device 32x32 pixels icon Facebook for Android Version varies with device
Share and stay connected with your friends with the Facebook for Android app. Share status updates from your home screen, chat with your friends, check out your News Feed, review your upcoming Events, look at your friends’ walls and user info, check in
Freeware, Updated 1 March 2015
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3.00 MB
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