JoTower Icon

JoTower 1.7

Developed by - Windows - setup file jotower_e.exe (2.44 MB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"Move a tower stone by stone onto a new base."

Besides being an entertaining game, JoTower effectively trains your ability to concentrate.
Your task: The tower that is on the left base at the beginning of the game has to be built up again on the right base. The rules for moving the tower blocks:A block can either be placed directly on the base or on top of a larger block.

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan JoTower for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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