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InternetNotePad! 1.8

Developed by - Windows - setup file InetPad.exe (509.94 KB) - Shareware
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MD5: a12d291882b3a8db196f4095f2142e9f

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Developer Description

"Notepad program that edits directly on your w"

InternetNotePad! is just like the notepad program issued with Windows machines, but allows you to work over the Internet. It's great for updating web pages no more edit, upload, edit, upload some more.. when you can now just edit and save! It's also great as a great replacement for unix programs like VI, PICO, or EMACS. Why waste your time any longer with the same old web page design pattern of download, edit, and upload? Try InternetNotePad! today.

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested InternetNotePad! on 8 May 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
  • Avira:

  • Kaspersky:

  • NOD32:

InternetNotePad! Antivirus Report
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