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Independent 1.2

Developed by - Windows - setup file (6.89 MB) - Shareware
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MD5: 95d56615d56cfedede23a10d0a6a076d

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Developer Description

"Four Star Shootem Up"

This Earth is ruined with people, and every day it seems they make more of them
to pack them in. With every new person comes either new laws or new wars to sort them all out. They say I have to change, to make
them happy. What about mine.

I am sick of this place and these rules. Every step I take has a law to regulate it. Every
breath I breathe is either taxed or protested by someone else. Phones, TV's, radios, mail, assault me at every turn
all meant to connect me to strangers that don't even say hello when I walk down the street.

I am leaving. I am on a deep space mission to a new world. There are even more rules, more
tests, more regulations, all to make sure that I am more enslaved than all. They think that I don't realize
what this deep space mission means. It is a chance at freedom.

I step off the lander and onto the surface. Screens from all over the Earth are trained
upon me. Look at what this monkey is about to do they think. Look at what this chimp does. Plant the flag for
his country on cue. But out of my space suit pocket, I reach in and pull a secret thing, a different flag. My flag.
"That's one small step for a man, and a lot of land for me". I say. Then I say. "I claim this planet for
myself, and all of you back on Earth can go to hell."

Requirements: 1 GB RAM, 2ghz+ processor with good 3d graphics and hardware wavetable sound cards.

What's new in this version: Bug fixes of all shapes and sizes. Press 'F' during game to toggle between framerate and score.

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested Independent on 13 Sep 2013 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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