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FileEngineer 2.0.1

Developed by - Windows - setup file FileEngineer_2.0.1_Setup.exe (1.94 MB) - Shareware
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MD5: 17ed2148120277d6f63ea3ae1a319cd3

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Developer Description

"File maintenance utility."

FileEngineer is an all-in-one program to easily manipulate and work with files. Some of the features are:
* Find and replace text in files
* Powerfull Advanced Find And Replace feature, allowing you to create complex find and replace scripts with operations like: delete line, add string to start or end of line, duplicate line, word wrap at a certain character, add line numbers, change case, find at start or end of line, ...
* Powerfull File Renamer to rename several files at once. You can create a kind of script with several operations like: find and replace text in the filename, make lowercase/uppercase, format the filename to include for example an automatically incrementing number
* File Toucher to quickly change dates and/or attributes of files
* File List Printer to easily create a listing of your files with several output possibilities
* Folder Size Lister to quickly determine which folder is eating up your harddisk space
* File Comparer to compare two files or two folders recursively
* File Line Counter to count the number of lines in files.
* Supports true regular expressions in file-filters
* Find text with or without regular expressions
* Fully multi-threaded, allows you to use multiple modules at once
* Integration with Windows Explorer
* And more...

What's new in this version: Serious bug-fixes

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested FileEngineer on 24 Apr 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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