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Sudoku 5.6 32x32 pixels icon Sudoku 5.6
PetsWar 1.0 32x32 pixels icon PetsWar 1.0
Plants Vs. Zombies 3.1 32x32 pixels icon Plants Vs. Zombies 3.1
A humanistic Sudoku solver that explains the logic required to solve the puzzle. Will easily create and quickly solve Sudoku puzzles. It can act as a solving assistant by keeping the pencil marks accurate, but leaving the logic and fun to you.
Download PetsWar, this addictive game for iPhone, iPod, iPad. This tower defense game is designed with excellent image and stable control, provide fun for players of all ages.
Battle 26 types of zombies with 49 zombie-zapping plants! The PC version features 50 Adventure levels, 20 Mini-Games, Puzzle and Survival modes, and the zombie-free Zen Garden. And don't miss all 20 new achievements and the interactive Zombatarâ„¢.
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MTG Studio 3.204 32x32 pixels icon MTG Studio 3.204
MTG Studio is Magic the Gathering Deck and Collection editor. The product has various deck creation capabilities (advanced multiple-criteria searches, filters and user-defined grouping). Over 27800 cards from all editions ever released are supported.
Shareware, Updated 24 August 2024
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50.39 MB
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