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Space Settlers 1.5 32x32 pixels icon Space Settlers 1.5
Plants Vs. Zombies 3.1 32x32 pixels icon Plants Vs. Zombies 3.1
Galactic Dream Rage of War 1.3 32x32 pixels icon Galactic Dream Rage of War 1.3
Space Settlers is a free online multi-player next-gen style Sci-Fi game for iOS iPhone, iPod and iPad, featuring "mecha combat and real-time strategy", with splendid color and cinematographic scenes. It is diverse and easy to play.
Battle 26 types of zombies with 49 zombie-zapping plants! The PC version features 50 Adventure levels, 20 Mini-Games, Puzzle and Survival modes, and the zombie-free Zen Garden. And don't miss all 20 new achievements and the interactive Zombatarâ„¢.
A classic real time strategy game dealing with galactic warfare and alien invasion. The game features massive battles in space, fast creation of armies and, finally, a good sense of humor.
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Results: 61-63 of 63
WebStratego 7.0.9 32x32 pixels icon WebStratego 7.0.9
WebStratego enables players from around the world to compete head-to-head in real time in an online adaptation & extension of the classic strategy game. In addition to original rules, many unique features make the gameplay more exciting than ever.
Shareware, Updated 12 November 2021
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5.51 MB
Slay 5.0 32x32 pixels icon Slay 5.0
Slay is a simple to learn game of strategy and cunning set in medieval times. The island is divided up between the six players, and you must try to capture your enemies' land and link up your own territories to create larger and stronger ones.
Shareware, Updated 5 December 2008
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1.03 MB
Conquest 4.0 32x32 pixels icon Conquest 4.0
Conquest is a version of the board game Risk for Windows PCs, HandheldPCs and PocketPCs. You fight against up to 7 computer controlled opponents to take over the world before you are eliminated by your enemies.
Shareware, Updated 6 December 2008
User rating
Last week

1.12 MB
Results: 61-63 of 63