Business & Finance

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DoneEx XCell Compiler 2.6 32x32 pixels icon DoneEx XCell Compiler 2.6
Foxit Reader 32x32 pixels icon Foxit Reader
Account Xpress 3.9.4 32x32 pixels icon Account Xpress 3.9.4
Excel workbook copy protection tool, compiles XLS to EXE application (which requires MS Excel to run) with securely hidden formulas and VBA code. Main features:copy protection with regkey; create trial/demo of workbook;
Foxit Reader's success and popularity has resulted over 560 million users, making it the second most used PDF technology in the industry.
Account Xpress is a personal finance management software for Windows loaded with features designed to help you manage your money quickly and easily. Know where your money goes and stay in control of your finances at all time with Account Xpress.
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Business & Finance

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Results: 1-14 of 14
Toad for MySQL 7.3.1 32x32 pixels icon Toad for MySQL 7.3.1
Toad for MySQL leverages Quest Software's database expertise to empower MySQL developers and administrators, of varying skill levels, to rapidly create and execute queries, automate database object management and develop SQL code more efficiently.
Freeware, Updated 9 November 2016
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79.33 MB
Expense Sharer J2ME 1.18 32x32 pixels icon Expense Sharer J2ME 1.18
Expense Sharer is a simple book keeping/accounting program that was developed to keep track of several persons expenses. By keeping track of who pays for what during f.ex. a vaccation, you can get an overview of who owes who how much at any time.
Freeware, Updated 11 January 2009
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0.39 KB
uDecide 2022 32x32 pixels icon uDecide 2022
uDecide is a web based decision support application to determine the average outcome (good or bad) of a decision based on the range of possible outcomes selected. It plots a curve displaying the range of outcomes and their likelihood of occurrin...
Freeware, Updated 12 December 2021
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278.96 KB
Evernote for iOS 7.3.5 32x32 pixels icon Evernote for iOS 7.3.5
Evernote is an easy-to-use, free app that helps you remember everything across all of the devices you use. Stay organized, save your ideas and improve productivity. Evernote lets you take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders--
Freeware, Updated 2 April 2015
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0.00 KB
eRA Pre-Auction Decision Analysis Tool 4.02 32x32 pixels icon eRA Pre-Auction Decision Analysis Tool 4.02
This free, easy-to-use tool helps buyers avoid the misapplication of electronic reverse auctions. By leading the user through a series of questions, the excel-based, pre-auction analysis tool offers customized guidance on your sourcing initiative.
Freeware, Updated 18 June 2014
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299.50 KB Personal Finance for iOS 3.2.0 32x32 pixels icon Personal Finance for iOS 3.2.0
- See all your accounts in one place. See all your balances and transactions together, on the web or your phone. Mint automatically pulls all your financial information into one place, so you can finally get the entire picture. - Stay up-to-date on
Freeware, Updated 2 June 2014
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0.00 KB
OliveOffice for iOS 2.0.3 32x32 pixels icon OliveOffice for iOS 2.0.3
OliveOffice is a mobile office suit for iOS-based devices, which is integrated with Dropbox and GoogleDocs cloud service, providing the functionality of transferring files via Wi-Fi and allowing you to view, edit and manage all Microsoft® Office document
Freeware, Updated 4 November 2013
Last week

0.00 KB
Wunderlist for iOS 2.3.1 32x32 pixels icon Wunderlist for iOS 2.3.1
Wunderlist is the easiest way to manage and share your daily to-do lists. Whether you’re running your own business, planning an overseas adventure or sharing a shopping list with a loved one, Wunderlist is here to help you get things done. “Wunder
Freeware, Updated 12 December 2013
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0.00 KB
PrinterShare for iOS 3.2.8 32x32 pixels icon PrinterShare for iOS 3.2.8
With PrinterShareâ„¢ you can print photos, contacts, and web pages. Many other apps, including Mail, Safari and Notes, allow you to copy something and paste it to PrinterShare for printing. Note: the app is free to try, but actual printing requires paymen
Freeware, Updated 8 December 2013
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0.00 KB
Short Reckonings 1.3 32x32 pixels icon Short Reckonings 1.3
Short Reckonings is a free Web tool that helps you manage shared expenses. It calculates the fewest number of payments needed to reconcile the debts. Ideal for roommates, travel buddies and event organisation. http://shortreckonin
Freeware, Updated 25 September 2022
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48.83 KB
Meta Trader Account Copier 1 32x32 pixels icon Meta Trader Account Copier 1
Meta Trader Account Copier. The purpose of this software is to help traders, who use Meta Trader 4 trading terminal, in their routine work with trading signals.
Freeware, Updated 18 April 2014
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366.02 KB
ToDo_List_Template 5.0.2 32x32 pixels icon ToDo_List_Template 5.0.2
A free simple To Do list template is provided in WORD, Excel and PDF formats. Instructions are included. A free one page action plan template is also provided to make identifying To Do's easier. The To Do List Template is easy to learn and use.
Freeware, Updated 31 October 2011
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323.24 KB
Kordil EDMS 2.2 32x32 pixels icon Kordil EDMS 2.2
Kordil EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) is a fully free user friendly and powerful document control and management system with power-tools to gather all documents within your organizations under a single database. Kordil EDMS is free.
Freeware, Updated 26 September 2013
Last week

37.66 MB
Auto Parts Comparison 1 32x32 pixels icon Auto Parts Comparison 1
Find out how much it will cost to rebuild a car or truck after front end damage. This chart compares costs of auto parts from one make and model to another.
Freeware, Updated 12 May 2015
Last week

0.63 MB
Results: 1-14 of 14